What does Dragon do?
Dragon brings magic to campaigning and conservation. We organise rituals for campaigns, promote and explore ecomagic, and act as a networking organisation for those work ecomagic. Some Dragons are involved with campaigning or conservation, while others focus on the magical aspect.
Over the years Dragon has sometimes been very active and at other times seems to slumber. At the time of writing Dragon appears to be awakening one more. Watch this space!
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Why are we called 'Dragon'?
'The Dragon' is an ancient name for the energies of the Earth, and ley-lines are sometimes also called 'Dragon lines'. In the mythology of Europe Dragons
are closely related to serpents, which have always represented the dark, hidden power of the Earth.
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When was Dragon founded?
Dragon was founded in London on July 18th, 1990. Our first campaign was to help save Oxleas Wood, which still thrives today. Dragon grew steadily over the early '90's, until we had a membership of over 300 and 13 local groups. By the mid '90's, ecomagic was being widely practiced at campaign sites all over Britain by a wide variety of people, many of whom were not Dragon 'members'. Ecomagic had grown beyond the scope of any 'membership' organization, and Dragon was becoming too much for a voluntary team to manage. We felt we could better to serve the ecomagic movement by sharpening our focus and becoming a networking group.
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What is ecomagic?
Ecomagic is the name we use for the principles & practice of magical & Spiritual action for the environment. We continue to debate how it should be spelt ( ecomagic, eco-magic or ecomagick), and exactly what it is!
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How do I join?
Dragon does not have a membership, but we do have a Facebook Group.
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Do Dragon run campaigns?
Dragon is sometimes active in conventional campaigning, though we tend to concentrate on what we do best - ecomagic.
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How can I find out more?
This site aims to be the definitive source of information on ecomagic. We have published several issues of a Journal of Ecomagic. Explore the site, and see the web sites and bibliography in our Links section, and maybe join in our Facebook Group.
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Who made this web site?
The site was designed by Andrew Hill and Adrian Harris in the 1990's, so please excuse the 'old school' design! Graphics and Rune information courtesy of Andrew. Most of the other text and all photos are Adrian's work.
You may find errors or problems on this site; please contact Adrian Harris if you do!
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