Dragon Network: Environmental Paganism
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Eco-Magic Links:

Ekomagic - a presentation made by Phil Hine at the Wildwood Conference in 1994

The Pulse of Gaia - a working created by Phil Hine at the Dragon Radical Ecomagick Workshop in 1993.

Majikal Activism - Chaos magic rituals and discussion from the eco-magic e-mail list.

Ecomagic - extract from Making Magic For Planet Earth, written by Selena Fox for Circle Network News

A Recipe to Converse with Faeries has some useful introductory ideas on working with Faeries, Ancestors and Guardians

Weapons Of The Poor is an interesting article on how campaigners in Asia use ritual. It's written by a political journalist, but includes intriguing snippets of magical practice.

'Virtual Paganism' or Direct Action? The Implications of road protesting for modern paganism. An accessibly academic look at eco-paganism by someone who knows the territory.

Adrian Harris (website editor) belives that ecopsychology is a most effective form of ecomagic. See Nature Connection and Exeter Ecotherapy.

Pagan Links:

Bioregional Animism blog - Interesting discussions on relating to the land and one's bioregion as the source of ones religion and culture.

The Pagan Cluster is a loose affiliation of individuals and affinity groups who bring an earth-based spirituality to actions for global justice and peace.

The Reclaiming community works to unify spirit and politics. British Reclaiming are the UK branch.

PaganAid is a registered charity run and funded by Pagans who want to support projects that protect the environment and help people lift themselves out of extreme poverty.

M. Macha NightMare, long-time member of Reclaiming Tradition Witchcraft, has some fascinating material on her site, especially her articles on Chants and Enchantment and Masks in Magical Meetings (see Writings).

The Pagan Federation aims to promote a positive profile for Pagans and Paganism and to provide information on Pagan beliefs to the media, official bodies and the greater community.

Coventry Earth Spirit are concerned with the cultural, emotional and spiritual side to our relationship with our environment.

The Ancient Sacred Landscape Network (ASLaN)
Diverse collection of groups that have come together to promote the idea that the conservation of and access to sacred sites are both compatible and desirable.

Paganlink Network was a network for all who honour and celebrate the spirit of the Earth. It is no longer running but the site is worth a look.

The Druid Network

The British Druid Order

Order Of Bards Ovates and Druids

Fellowship of Isis
Worldwide Goddess network

Circle Sanctuary is dedicated to research, spiritual healing, counseling, and education. The Circle sponsors US based gatherings and encourages Nature preservation with meditations and workshops.

White Dragon
Pagan magazine covering witchcraft, northern traditions, the occult and earth mysteries.

Loyal Arthurian Warband

Environmental Links:

GreenNet part of the only global computer network specifically designed for environment, peace, human rights and development groups.

The Indigenous Environmental Network is an alliance of grassroots indigenous peoples whose mission is to protect the sacredness of Mother Earth through applying traditional teachings.

The Green Fuse aims to make environmental philosophy accessible to a wide audience, with clear briefings on key topics, a glossary and a resource section.


Dragon have joined the Amazon Books Associates Programme to help you get key books quickly and cheaply.

Lupa's Eco-paganism book list.

The Art of Conversation with the Genius Loci by Barry Ye Ex-Pedant.

Sacred Ecology by Adrian Harris is available online. It was
published in Paganism Today (ed. Harvey and Hardman) publ. HarperCollins.
You can Order Paganism Today online from Amazon.

Truth or Dare. By Starhawk, publ. Harper & Row.

Dreaming the Dark. By Starhawk, publ. Unwin.

Environment Facts. A guide to using Public Registers of environmental information. Available free from; Dept. of the Environment, P.O. Box 151, London 15 2HF. Quote ref. no; 94EP335.

Citizen Action: Taking Action in Your Community. By Des Wilson, publ. Longman.

Lobbying Government. By Charles Miller, publ. Blackwell.

Resource Manual for a Living Revolution. By Cooker, Deacon, Lesser & Moore. Publ. New Society Publishers 1985. ISBN 0-86571-056-2. (USA book, hence ISBN to aid ordering.)

Self Help Groups: Getting Started - Keeping Going. By Judy Wilson, publ. by Longman.